Just a Thought...

Many, in the Church today, have rejected the truth in scripture concerning the promises and blessings of the nation of Israel.
Their argument is that the nation of Israel no longer resembles the Israel of the Bible. The nation has abandoned God and no longer looks for the coming Messiah.
The church they refer to no longer has the power of God, it no longer resembles the church of the book of Acts and it is riddled with spiritual corruption, cults and every type of scandal.
Any student of the Bible who knows prophecy, knows that these conditions of the last days Israel and much of the Church can be found in the scriptures.
But listen. God’s Word tells us that regardless of their conditions, surrounded by compromise and apostasy, He has always had a remnant in both.
That remnant is, and always will be, “The True Israel” and the “True Church of Jesus Christ.”
Just a thought…

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